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- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Area 2 Rep
- Area 4 Rep
- Area 6 Rep
We encourage all interested OSNA members to run for office in our association! To qualify, a candidate must be an SNA member and possess a Level 1 Certificate. The Treasurer and Area Representatives each serve a 2-year commitment, beginning 8/1/18 and ending 7/31/20.
The position of Vice President is a 4-year commitment, from 8/1/18 – 7/31/22. This position rotates forward each consecutive year of service in the following order: Vice President, President Elect, President, and Past President. During the year in which you serve as President Elect, you will plan the 2020 OSNA State Conference and in 2022, you will manage the Vendor Show for the 2022 OSNA State Conference.
All positions attend four board meetings per year and help with OSNA’s State Conference in March of each year.
Please contact OSNA president Anne Leavens by Feb. 16, 2018 if you want to be placed on the ballot, or at any time if you have further questions about the positions.